Our world needs a new kind of leadership

Why the Arts and Global Leadership?

  • We are at a critical turning point

    War, climate change, pandemics, polarisation - challenges that can only be met through a deeper understanding of humanity and our individual and collective potential.

  • Leadership in a New World

    We need a whole new way of looking at the world and our role in it. We need a ‘higher order’ leadership that starts from within that ripples out to have an outsized impact in the world.

  • The Role of the Arts

    The arts are the most powerful tool we have to effect an inner transformation at the emotional, intellectual and spiritual level. They enable us to dig deeper into our individual and shared humanity, to co-create with others and build new narratives for our world.

We run a range of programmes for corporate and government leaders, children and young people, artists and social visionaries, individuals and communities, to enable them to be morally courageous, accountable and transformative leaders.

Our programmes inspire a sense of AWE and wonder, which encourages deep inner TRANSFORMATION, creating shifts that lead to meaningful IMPACT in the world.

International Festival for the Arts and Social Change

Summer Camps for Youth

Transformational Retreats for Adults

Inspirational Performance Programme

Stunning views over the Pyrénées

Our Clients & Partners