Clos de Gaye


Welcome to Clos de Gaye, a unique and special place in the far southwest of France, in full view of the Pyrenees, a mere four hours from Paris, close to the border of Spain.

Deep in the heart of the French countryside, embedded in the ‘old world’ rises a new way of thinking about the future.  The best of European heritage, beauty and aesthetic, with interiors that reflect the energy, dynamism and sense of inclusion of the new world

Clos de Gaye is an initiative of The Centre for the Arts and Global Leadership and is at once a private home, a residential retreat, a creative and artistic workspace, organic farm, community kitchen, restaurant and tea house, and a convening ground for global leaders, artists, creatives, entrepreneurs and all those charged with the care and governance of our planet.  It is a place to stay, to play, to share and to transform. 

The spirit of Clos de Gaye is one of contribution, generosity and accountability.  Those that have a seat of the table have arrived there through hard work and a genuine desire to be of service to the world.  Time spent here is for you to reflect on what has been achieved so far and to be a springboard into Future Leadership and the continued desire to be a force for good in the world.

An opportunity to reclaim the very best of European culture and values, with a renewed way of thinking about it’s relationship with the Global South, restoring humanity to our world.